The Offices of Keith Lorio

Emily - Headaches, TMJ, Ear Pain, Vertigo, Tinnitus

Jul 9, 2024 @ 10:44 PM — by Keith Lorio
Tagged with: Mandeville Headaches Tmj Vertigo Louisiana

**Patient stories, treatments, and outcomes are factual .  Names and cities may have been changed to protect the confidentiality of the patient. **

Emily's pain began 32 years ago. Her symptoms include: TMJ pain, TMJ noise, limited opening, ear congestion, vertigo (dizziness), tinnitus (ringing in the ears), dysphagia (difficulty swallowing), loose teeth, clenching/bruxing, facial pain (nonspecific), tender-sensitive teeth, difficulty chewing, cervical pain, postural problems, paresthesia of the fingertips (tingling), thermal sensitivity (hot and cold), Trigeminal Neuralgia, Bell's Palsy, and nervousness/insomnia. 

Emily was seen and treated by many different doctors and therapists. In spite of her efforts, her problems persisted.  

Dr. Lorio used a myriad of diagnostic evaluation methods, including advanced technology. Dr. Lorio then determined the proper bite relationship, and used the treatment approximately 20 doctors in the country have trained in the depth he has trained.  He actually could measure this proper bite relationship.

Within 2 days, Emily's symptoms decreased by 66% improvement in 2 days.  Emily had tinnitus, ringing in the ears that was severe for 5 years.  Two days after treatment began, the ringing could hardly be heard.  Within 60 days, Emily had 93% improvement of symptoms. The ringing in the ears, ear pain and vertigo were gone. The only symptoms that persisted were occasional clenching, shoulder pain, and occasional nausea.  Needless to say, Emily was very happy with her results!